American Cherry • Hickory • Red Oak • Walnut • White Ash • White Oak • Cathedral White Oak
A time-tested favorite, Quartersawn/Riftsawn White Oak is a very durable flooring material. It is derived from lumber which is cut with the grain oriented at a 30-90 degree angle to the face of the plank. Not only does the quartersawing process produce an attractive appearance in the wood, but it also results in improved durability, surface smoothness, and stability (it is about 50% more stable than plain-sawn White Oak). Many planks contain interesting medullary rays or “fleck.”
Mesa Grade
Our Mesa grade Quartersawn/Riftsawn White Oak will contain: color variation including mineral streaks; knots up to 2” in diameter (including open knots); holes up to 3/4” in diameter; cracks that don’t compromise the integrity of the flooring; worm holes; other character marks. The rustic character is allowed anywhere on the face of the planks. Lengths of planks vary from 1’ to 10’, with an average of 5’.
Madera Grade
Our Madera grade in Quartersawn/Riftsawn White Oak will contain a range of color, knots (both sound and open) up to 2” in diameter, holes up to ¾” in diameter, some cracks, a small amount of sap wood along with other occasional character marks. We do allow edge defect in this grade, but some clear boards are also included. Lengths of planks vary from 1’ to 10’, with an average of about 5’. This grade results in a floor with the classic quartersawn look with occasional rustic defects.
Hacienda, our highest grade, will contain less variations in color than Madera grade. Small mineral streaks are allowed. It is almost free from knots, with only occasional small pin knots (up to 3/16” in diameter) allowed. We do not allow any edge defect. Lengths of planks vary from 1’ to 10’, with the average length of about 3.5’.
To better understand Quartersawn vs Rift, please watch this video from Frank Miller Lumber or consult this chart.